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Our Services

Empowering young people to transition

Our mission is to empower young people to transition intoindependent living with confidence, resilience, and a sense of purpose. We are committed to offering safe, nurturing, and supportive environments where young people can develop essential life skills, cultivate positive relationships, and gain the confidence needed to thrive on their own. With a focus on dignity, respect, and individualized support, we aim to instill in them the values of responsibility, integrity, and compassion, empowering them to become self-reliant individuals and valuable members of society.

Tailored Support

High quality, tailored support with experienced staff

Safe and Comfortable Accommodation

Our accommodation is safe, secure, comfortable

Inclusive and Diverse Services

Inclusive support for young people with diverse needs

Outreach support for children with learning disabilities

The Bridging Gap provides outreach support workers who are experienced and trained to support children up to 18, and families, where children have disabilities such as ASD, LD, physical disabilities. We provide support to children and young people living at home, in foster care or residential placements as an additional resource. Our outreach support goes beyond being another adult in the child’s life, and providing respite for parents. We actively engage children and young people so they can be central to their lives, their health, education, leisure and support provided to them.

What we do

We meet with parents and the professional network including social workers, OT’s, physiotherapists and others, to learn about the background, particular challenges, and needs of the child. This way we can continue to do what works for the child, what they like and support them in a way that respects them. We meet with the child and carry out introductory sessions so they can get to know us, recognise us and develop a trusting relationship. We seek creative ways to communicate and understand their wishes, feelings, thoughts and opinions. Each child is different, with individual needs and desires, so how we work will depend on them.
Our staff do not take children in their own cars due to insurance and risk barriers. However, if a child has a mobility vehicle and staff can be added to the insurance we will be able to take them out in their car. This will be under a multi agency risk assessment.

Our Support Areas

Our support plans and risk plans cover the following areas, though they won’t all be appropriate for every child; we therefore develop plans around each individual.


Physical and Mental


Employment and training


Social and family relationships


Leisure and identity


Allowance, benefits application at 18, weekly budgeting


Employment and Accommodation

Self Care

Practical skills

Move on

Transition planning, tenancies

Who do we serve?

At The Bridging Gap, we provide services for young individuals with diverse needs, including

Comprehensive and Tailored Support Services

Medium Support Package
Tailored assistance to help young people develop essential independent living skills.
High Support Package
Intensive, personalized support from experienced staff for those with greater needs.
Outreach Services
Support for young people 16+ to prevent care entry or aid in settling into their own accommodation.
Placements for 18+
Offering inclusive support and accommodation to young care leavers aged 18+

We want to hear from you!

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Support Services and How We Can Help You or Your Loved Ones Thrive Independently

frequently asked questions

We provide supported accommodation for young people aged 16 and 17 who are Children Looked After or care leavers, as well as young care leavers aged 18+.

We offer medium and high support packages, tailored to the needs of each young person. Additionally, we provide outreach services for young people aged 16+ who do not live in our accommodation.

Our accommodation is safe, secure, comfortable, and provides a warm and nurturing environment for young people. We furnish our properties to a high standard and support young people to personalize their own space.

We involve young people in all aspects of their support, from assessing needs and risks to planning fun activities and sharing their thoughts about the service.

Our support is provided by experienced and qualified staff who are dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of young people.

We offer placements to young people irrespective of ethnicity, race, religion, creed, color, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or gender. We accommodate and support young people with varying needs, including those with complex needs, gang involvement, mental health concerns, and more.